Tuesday, March 29, 2011

tom burckhardt

phlip-phlop, 2001, enamel on wood, 60x48, wake the town, 2001, enamel on wood, 48x36, i have overeaten my snack, 1997, enamel on wood, 48x40, gong jr, 1999, enamel on wood, 60x48

bold form, delicate pattern, vibrant color....see more here.


  1. Those pictures are an example
    of the rarity I seek and enjoy.

    Some of us are addicted to

  2. Hi- Someone alerted me that you posted some of my (older) paintings- Thanks!
    I'm having a show of new work at Pierogi Gallery in Brooklyn next Fri.
    You can see some of it and other work at tomburckhardt.com
    Best, Tom

  3. congratulations on your show, tom. i love all of your work, but i always post the body of any artist's work that speaks to me the most.
