Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dominic Couturier

archeological future, Oil, gesso, tar, collage & mixed medium on board, 48x72, lineire, Oil, gesso, tar, collage & mixed medium on board, 48x64, krone I, Oil, gesso, tar, alkyd &shellac, tile on canvas, 36x48, krone II, Oil, gesso, tar, alkyd &shellac, tile on canvas, 48x48, sans-titre, Oil, gesso, tar, alkyd &shellac, tile on canvas, 36x48, a.h.h., Oil, gesso, tar, alkyd &shellac, tile on canvas, 72x72

loving the texture, depth, everything...i want to use tar in my work!...see more here.


  1. Would love to see these in person. Great!

  2. me too, i wonder if they're heavy because of the tile...

  3. You can be sur those paintings are heavy and they're big. It's fun to see people far from us loving Dominic's paintings. Sorry for my french..! Tar is nice but it smells so bad!!

    Lucie Fabrique
    assistant and wife of Dominic Couturier
