Wednesday, January 28, 2009

crit group: kellianne mccarthy

i started a critique group about a year and a half ago. after being out of school for what had been five years, i was feeling rather isolated in the studio, feeling as though i was floundering in my work and i was in desperate need of good critical feedback. i began by asking three or four friends if they would be interested in a crit group and before i new it, i had nine members! some of the original members have dropped out, but others have joined and the number of members is still nine.

there was a great article called the creative critque in the apr/may, 2005 issue of fiberarts magazine and you can read it all online! the article consists of three segments: Starting and Maintaining a Critique Group, by Susan Brandeis, the artist's contract, by steve aimone, Stimulating Discussion in a Critique, by helen davis. i definitely recommend reading all three segments of the article if you're considering starting your own critique group or even if you teach.

my group meets once a month and we critique one person's work. this month we talked about kellianne mccarthy's work, which was also mentioned in a previous post. i love kellianne's playful sense of color, pattern and form. above are some pics of her studio and the work we talked about at her critique.


  1. thanks for this post lori and your valuable input as always!


  2. Hi Kellianne,
    I'm a huge fan of your work. I just featured you in a post on my blog )
