Friday, November 20, 2009

daniella dooling

Untitled (detail), 2009, Eyelashes made from human hair, pencil on wall, Dimensions Variable, Sweet Dreams (detail), 1999, Pillow with acrylic fingernails, 24 x 20 x 5, Polyunguia Dress for the Psychotropic Itch (detail), 1997, Acrylic fingernails, temporary tattoos, satin, thread, dress form, 5' x 30 x 30, REMdress (detail), 2002-2004, silk negligee with mac eyelashes made from human hair, 67 x 19 x 12, Untitled, 2006, Clear plastic pushpins, Dimensions variable, Studio Installation, Untitled, (FD-3), 2006, aluminum foil, hot glue, pushpins, taxidermy form, plated steel, cable clamps, 20 x 10 x 24, (extension rods dimensions variable)

cool stuff...see more here.


  1. oddly intriguing. beautifully unsettling.

    we continue to see a trend, if you will, toward the unconventional use of "non-art" materials in sculpture, installation, even 2D works.

    her work is provocative- i will definitely visit her site.

  2. so true...non-traditional materials are so readily available and less expensive that i'm sure that in this economy, we may see more of these materials used.
